Landing page

Landing page is a usual webpage without complicated logic for specific products or services. Your advantages are shown on the landing page such as overview, promotions, short description. It convinces the person to place an order, call or contact You by email.
Who is the Landing page for?
Landing pages are designed for hot sales. This is an effective tool for leads collecting.
Development time
Landing page development time is usually from 1 week to 1 month.
Landing page development
When we develop a Landing page, we do not use ready-made solutions and develop design and functionality from scratch for our clients. It will allow us to make necessary changes quickly and conveniently.
What You Need to Pay Attention to?
As in other cases, the very first task for us is to determine the target audience of Your business. We define interests and write keywords, by which clients will find You.
What Landing page development includes?
- One page with selling information about Your products or services.
- Unique functionality. You always can do all necessary changes without breaking anything.
- Unique design. All business areas require an individual design approach. We analyze Your competitors and do better.
- The website will be responsive. Nowadays about 50% of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Of course, we take it and can develop separate functionality for only mobile devices if it is necessary.
- Technical SEO. Our "do not use ready-made solutions” approach allows us to write beautiful and clean code. Also, at the development stage we closely do optimization. It gives the website fast loading speed. All this in the best way affects SEO rankings.
- All necessary modules. For example, simple contact form development or gallery development are included in the price.
- Multilingual support. Estonia is a multinational country. So for a greater audience coverage, information should be presented in different languages. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible.
- Lifetime warranty. We are sure of our product so in case of errors due to our fault we fix them absolutely for free.